Honey Sanghani Image

Full-Stack Developer|Engineer

About Me

Hi my name is Honey Sanghani and I am Information and Communication Technology Engineer.I completed my Bachelor's from L.J Institute of engineering and technology in Gujrat, India. Last year me and family moved to canada and currently I am living in Brandon Mb.Currently I am entrolled in University of Toronto continuing studies Bootcamp for Full Stack development.My hobby is to sketch and explore new food to eat. In my free time I like to watch Si-Fi Tv shows and I am a Marvel fan.Well as a child I just don't want to stop learning and stop creating because getting creative is what I love and what I want to do.Programming is exactly the thing I want in my life as you can learn as much you can , create what ever you want, design constantly and get creative everyday.There is no end, so here I am improving myself and making my own world.



Horiseon is a webpage for marketing agency which has a codebase that follows accessibility standards so that website is optimized for search engines.It has three section such as search engine optimization, online reputation management and social media marketing also it has a benefits section.I was given this project to refactor the code according to the webpage criteria.


Click here to see website!

Run Buddy

Run Buddy, a service that lets runners sign up for personal training and helps them to stay fit.As a part of Bootcamp we where taught how to make a simple landing page using HTML and css. Also how to make a responsive website which works on different size devices.This website has various section and information about Run Buddy also have a privacy policy page ,form and contact page.


Click here to see website!

comming soon!




